Vaccinations necessary for your health and that of others

Understanding vaccination

Vaccination in Germantown, MDThe Web is infested with misinformation about vaccines. Here are some basic facts:

  • All vaccines are extensively tested. Every attempt by reputable scientists to see if there is a link between vaccination and autism has found no link at all.
  • The stimulation of the immune system of an infant over the course of the vaccination schedule is considerably less than it receives from exposure to everyday bacteria over the same time period.
  • When you get a flu shot, you do so not just for your own sake, but that of everyone around you. Recently, an infant in Stanislaus County, California who was too young to be vaccinated died after contracting influenza. Pregnant women especially should get the vaccine, which is safe and can be taken quickly. Even if it does not prevent the flu, it can diminish the symptoms of it and help you recover faster.

Vaccines you may need booster shots for include MMR vaccine, DTap and varicella. If you plan on traveling abroad, some countries require you to be vaccinated against yellow fever and meningitis. Hepatitis A and typhoid shots are also a good idea. Check the CDC website for a list of recommended vaccinations.

Best place to get a vaccination in Germantown, MD

All these vaccinations can be had at Germantown Primary Care Associates, serving patients in Montgomery County, Germantown, Gaithersburg and Hyattstown. The Chief Medical Officer is Dr. Manbir Takhar. Bring your insurance card, a valid photo ID, a list of any medications you are taking and any other medical information you might want to have. Make an appointment today.

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