Good workout injury treatment can help you recover quickly

Injury treatment in Germantown, MDThe proper workout injury treatment helps with recovery

Workout injuries can happen.  When you are injured during a workout, getting the right injury treatment as soon as possible is very important.  Germantown Primary Care Associates in Germantown, Maryland can treat any workout injury and provide you the best injury treatment possible.

How to reduce the chances of getting injured during a workout

There are steps you can take to help prevent getting injured during a workout.  The most common workout injuries include muscle pulls and strains, shoulder injuries, sprained ankles, shin splints, knee injuries, wrist injuries, and tendinitis.  If you are a woman over age 55, always talk with your health care provider before starting an exercise program.  If you are a man over 45, this same rule applies.  This is also true if you have any type of medical condition.

Guidelines for your workout

Following the below guidelines can help avoid injury during your work out.

Warm up and cool down – Each time you start your workout, begin with a warm up and then end with a cool down.  The warm up helps your body prepare for exercise and the cool down helps bring your heart back to a normal rhythm.

Stretch – Perform dynamic stretching both before and after your workout.  This helps increase your flexibility which also helps prevent workout injuries.

Ease into it – When starting a new exercise program, begin slowly and ease into it.  Don’t push too hard, especially at the beginning.

Cross-train – Changing up your workout helps prevent overusing one set of muscles. This can also help you keep from getting bored with your workout.

If you should get injured during your workout, it is important to get injury treatment as soon as possible.  Call Germantown Primary Care Associates to receive the best workout injury treatment in Germantown, Maryland.

Prevention and Injury treatment of common sports injuries

injury treatmentSports injury treatment and prevention

If you are sedentary most of the week and then attempt to regain the excitement of your youth on the weekend by partaking in flag football or one-on-one, you may find yourself looking sports injury treatment and prevention ideas.  Some of the most common sports injuries include ankle sprains, hamstring sprains, groin pulls, shin splints, tennis elbow and knee injuries, typically either an ACL tear or pain from repetitive movement. Primary Care Associates in Germantown, Maryland can provide any sports injury treatment you may need.

Sprains and strains

Sprains and strains are the most common sports injuries.  Sprains are some type of injury to a ligament and a strain is an injury to the tendons or muscle fibers which attach muscles to the bones.  A strain may also be called a pulled muscle since stretching a muscle too much can cause tears in the tendons or muscle fibers.

Sports injury treatment

Typically, a sports injury will be moderate or even mild and can be treated at home.  If the sports injury is severe, such as a torn ligament or tendon, it may require surgery to completely repair it.  The primary care physicians at Primary Care Associates can determine which treatment is best for more severe sports injuries.  Sports injury treatment at home is possible if the injury is not severe.

Before you head out to toss the football or take in 36 holes, be sure to prepare for your athletic endeavor so you do not end up needing sports injury treatment.  If you do, call Germantown Primary Care Associates in Germantown, Maryland for the best sports injury treatment and care.

Primary care clinics provide medical and injury treatment

injury treatment in GermantownVisit our primary care clinic for medical and injury treatment

Germantown Primary Care Associates has a professional team of medical providers collaborating to provide patient care in one place.  We are a one-stop-shop where a patient can get a diagnosis, x-rays, lab work, and medication all in one place.  Our primary care clinic provides convenient medical care for busy parents, commuters, and everyone else.

We treat all types of injuries resulting from accidents or falls, fractures, sprains, cuts, bruises, and breaks.  We can also treat other medical conditions such as back problems, abdominal pain, difficulty breathing, vomiting, dehydration, diarrhea, coughs, sore throat, and asthma.  Germantown Primary Care Associates in Germantown, Maryland provides quick, convenient and high quality medical treatment.  Dr. Mandir Takhar and her medical staff provide quick, professional injury treatment and medical care.

With hospitals stretched to the limit because of dwindling resources, primary care clinics are rising in popularity.  Since many hospitals are closing or at least eliminating their emergency rooms, primary care clinics and urgent care clinics are making up the difference providing injury treatment once found only in emergency rooms.  Germantown Primary Care Associates provides quick and convenient care for everyone in the community, including men, women, children, and seniors.

Germantown Primary Care Associates provide community health care and injury treatment for families and individuals requiring non-emergency injury or illness.  Our facility is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment to diagnose and treat all common medical conditions.

For the best primary care in the area, visit Germantown Primary Care Associates in Germantown, Maryland.  Give us a call today to set up an appointment for medical or injury treatment.