Primary care doctors and services in Germantown, MD and Montgomery County


Primary care in Germantown, MDPrimary care includes physicals, immunizations, evaluations, diagnoses, and other health services. Patients in Germantown, MD and Montgomery County can visit their local primary care clinic for these important services.


Your primary care clinic offers a number of physical examinations to suit your needs and lifestyle. The annual physical involves checking the vital signs, joints, blood pressure, height, and weight. Women may also have a breast and pelvic exam, and individuals over 40 years old my have exams for heart health. Lastly, there is a health questionnaire, which includes your use of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco, and illnesses, familial medical history, nutrition, sexual, and exercise habits. Lab tests may also be recommended.

Other Evaluations

Other evaluations include testing for STDs and pregnancy, family planning, prostate and breast exams, and tests for skin disorders and heart and lung health. Diagnoses, care, and treatment are also offered at your local primary care clinic.


All of the standard vaccinations are offered at your primary care clinic, as well as flu and travel vaccinations, like yellow fever, and TB and allergy testing.

Your Clinic

Germantown Primary Care has seen thousands of patients over the past two decades throughout Germantown, Hyattstown, Gaithersburg, and Montgomery County. The clinic is able to provide care and services beyond the requirements set by OHSA (Occupational Health and Safety). The Chief Medical Officer of Germantown Primary Care Associates has been Dr. Manbir Takhar since 2012. She has a passion for using her expertise to better the lives of her patients.

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