How to find your primary care doctor

primary careWhat does a primary care doctor do?

Family doctors treat the entire family and know the medical history of everyone in the family.  They do not specialize in a specific medical area, but help their patients maintain their overall health and wellness by focusing on preventive care.

Which types of doctors can be a primary care doctor?

Typically, three medical specialties are primary care physicians, including the family or general practice physician, the internal medicine physician and pediatricians.  The family practitioner or general practitioner is qualified to treat the entire family.  A pediatrician specializes in treating children, usually from birth until adolescence.  A pediatrician may have a sub-specialty such as pediatric cardiology or surgery.  The internal medicine physician, also referred to as an internist can diagnose and treat patients.  They are not surgeons, but may have any of a number of sub-specialties, including specializing in a particular disease or organ, or in a particular group such as the elderly.  The primary care physicians at Germantown Primary Care Associates possess a wide range of expertise and skills and can treat everyone in the family.

Why a primary care doctor?

Primary care physicians see their patients regularly and are trained to look for symptoms which the patient may not notice.  Often, patients do not notice when they develop a health problem and it can go for years without treatment and result in a serious chronic health issue.


The primary care physicians at Germantown Primary Care Associates work to develop a relationship with their patient in order to keep illness at bay.  Give them a call today to set up your primary care appointment.

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